LIFESTYLE defines a concept from a simple understanding of human behavior and motivation. LIFESTYLE is an action-oriented expression; it implies that the concepts of which it is made are primary in defining behavior. In the study of human behavior, one of the most important concepts used is termed “the four-legged concept”. This is one of the simplest and most effective theories in understanding human behavior and motivation, which are also a key to understand the theories and concepts involved in the lifestyle. The idea of using this theory to define and describe a concept originated with the work of the German philosopher Alfred Adler.
Lifestyle is a person’s attitudes, behaviors, interests, and personal orientations. The word was first introduced by Austrian philosopher Alfred Adler in his book, The Case of Miss R. With the implication of a person’s basic nature as already established at birth, the concept was later applied by the sociologist, Alfred Korvan. According to Adler and Korvan, Lifestyle is simply the sum total of all the elements that make up a human being – their values, beliefs, practices, hopes, capabilities, identity, and mobility. It also has to do with a person’s preferences in regard to the environment.
There are many types of LIFESTYLE. The two most common lifestyles include the healthy lifestyle and the passive lifestyle. The healthy lifestyle, also called the active lifestyle, is one where people have active social interactions and involve themselves in social events and are involved in work that requires independent thinking, sharing, and interaction. Healthy Lifestyles also include a low stress level, sufficient sleep, relaxation, and plenty of exercise.
A healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet, a regular exercise routine, social interaction, and responsibility for ones own health and well-being. Active Lifestyles, on the other hand, is the opposite of the healthy lifestyle in that it is an inactive lifestyle in which individuals spend most of their time at leisure, participating in leisure activities such as sports, hobbies, dancing, movies, or music. Active Lifestyles usually involves a lot of travelling and requires a high intensity level of work or sport. Individuals who live this lifestyle are called ‘active users’ of technology.
Many people want to live healthier and fitter lives but are not sure how to go about it. With the help of experts and professionals, individuals can discover the appropriate LIFESTYLE that suits them. These LIFESTYLE techniques include but are not limited to, dietary changes, lifestyle changes, and exercise routines. There are also support groups to help those who are starting to identify with their LIFESTYLE and wish to integrate it into their lives.
Some other LIFESTYLE techniques include the integration of yoga into the Lifestyle, the pursuit of yoga holidays, the consumption of natural products as dietary supplements, the usage of stress management techniques, among others. In addition to these LIFESTYLE techniques, there are also many other practices that have been identified as being part of a healthy lifestyle. For instance, the practice of acupuncture and massage therapies have been identified as being part of healthy LIFESTYLE. Different cultures have different perspectives on how to live healthy and that is why there are so many variations of LIFESTYLE; one can choose from a vegan lifestyle to a traditional, non-vegetarian lifestyle. All of the different lifestyles LIFESTYLE encompass are very easy to incorporate into ones daily life and may just be the addition to living a healthier life.